Salt and Light

Salt and Light

We have been given this responsibility while on this earth to season and to preserve it with Jesus. Salt is abundant in nature- as Christians, we are abundant on the earth. Are we seasoning it and preserving it with the Creator or are we flavorless?

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:13-16

We are salt.

What is salt? Merriam Webster gives the definition as a compound used to season or preserve, it’s abundant in nature.

season- to give food more flavor or zest by adding seasoning or savory ingredients, to give a distinctive quality to as if by seasoning

preserve- to keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction, PROTECT, to KEEP ALIVE, intact or free from decay, to keep or save from decomposition

We are the salt of the earth.

Wow! What a responsibility that we have been given!! We have been given this responsibility while on earth- to bring the light of Jesus to this earth, to bring and invite the Spirit- and not quench it!- to welcome his kingdom to earth (“your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”).

Are we providing the earth with more flavor or zest of Jesus by providing it with the distinctive quality of a Child of God (Hope, miracles, love, peace, joy, healings, kindness, patience, deliverances, goodness, gentleness, holiness, etc.)? Are we preserving- keeping the earth safe, PROTECTING, KEEPING IT ALIVE, intact and free from decay of the devil and his demons? As Christians, we have been given this responsibility to shake this earth while walking in the light in his earthly kingdom.

This is something that we all have been called for! Be the salt. Be the light.

God is our light.

In the Old Testament, we learn how “light” is associated with God. He turns our darkness into light. He lightens our path that we may see. A servant of the Lord and Jerusalem are also consumed by this same light. All nations will come to Jerusalem’s light. The disciples were a light to the nations- we are a light to the nations.

Matthew 4:15,16 identifies Jesus as Isaiah’s “great light” in Gentile Galilee. His disciples are called to be bearers of the light.

This sense of being a light to the nations, we can anticipate the conclusion of Matthew- “Go and make disciples of all nations”

Not only are we the light, but do we DO the light?

As Christians we are to be visible. That’s what lights do! This light of the disciples is their good works that they do. Not only are they the light, but do they do the light?

The purpose of being the light? That we may glorify the Heavenly Father, not us! It’s not about us!

It’s all about Him!

Salt in it’s pure form (pure sodium chloride) cannot lose its saltiness.

The unrefined salt mined at the Dead Sea was mixed with other minerals. In this process, the sodium chloride in this crude salt could leach out as a result of moisture, therefore making it worthless. Oh man, can that preach! What ‘moisture’ have we allowed to mix in with our salt and allowed us to get lukewarm (flavorless, mildly warm, lacking conviction or enthusiasm, half-hearted)?

Did Jesus mean that his disciples would cease being disciples if they lost their salty character? I don’t want to try and find out that theory! John gives us an imagery in Revelation 3:15-16 describing the spiritual condition of the church of Laodicea, telling us that those (Churches) that become lukewarm (quenching the power of the Holy Spirit and cease to resist the prevailing spirit in the world) will be “thrown out” by God. Jesus is knocking to put salve on your eyes so you can see!! He is knocking and desiring us to come and eat with him, and him with us!


What a responsibility that we have been given! Not to become flavorless or mildly warm, lacking enthusiasm or half-hearted, but to preserve- PROTECT AND KEEP ALIVE- his kingdom on earth! Invite Him in where you are at, today! Welcome His presence in your home, in the car, in the bathroom! Get lost in Him! Saturate yourself in Him! Consume Him! Consume His Word! We are the light! Let’s shine Jesus and help bring his kingdom on this earth today!

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