Author: Mary Anne

Stay in the Tent of God

Stay in the Tent of God

 Just as Joshua stayed in the tabernacle, I am praying this encourages and challenges you today to stay in the tent of God. My prayer is that the gift of God will be stirred within you today and to provoke you to want to tarry 

Godliness with contentment is great gain.

Godliness with contentment is great gain.

It is possible to have Godly contentment in a consumer driven culture. Godliness with contentment is great gain. As a child of God, the enemy of our soul, our adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour. He is 

The Hindrance of Self. How to live an overcoming life.

The Hindrance of Self. How to live an overcoming life.

One of the biggest hindrances in living for Christ is self. How many times does self get in the way? How many times do we recognize that is what’s happening? How do we get clarity? Clarity comes once we recognize the enemy, satan, doing his 

A Gentle Reminder…

A Gentle Reminder…

Does satan know scripture better than me? When he was tempting Jesus, the very first temptation, Jesus used the scripture as his defense. Second time, same thing. The last time, this time satan used scripture himself against Jesus. But it was twisted and manipulating and 

Kingdom minded believing.

Kingdom minded believing.

I was reading in Mark today and came across the story of Jairus’ dead daughter and it just penetrated my heart in a different way today (isn’t that awesome how the Holy Spirit works!). Jairus was a synagogue ruler- of highest class, privileged and the 

Salt and Light

Salt and Light

We have been given this responsibility while on this earth to season and to preserve it with Jesus. Salt is abundant in nature- as Christians, we are abundant on the earth. Are we seasoning it and preserving it with the Creator or are we flavorless? 



Holiness. It keeps coming to my mind. I was reading in Hebrews and in Hebrews 12:14 it reads that without holiness no one will see the Lord. Oh man! ‘No one will see the Lord’? I want to see the Lord! I want to spend 

The Deepest Pit.

The Deepest Pit.

The Deepest Pit. What does that look like? Perfection? Loss of life?  Failure?  Mistakes?  Cancer?  Abandonment?  Sin? Bankruptcy? Divorce? All of these can bring the darkest of times- can take you to a pit and to a point of wondering if you will ever get